Saudi Research Science Institute (SRSI):


  • SRSI is a rigorous program that takes students through an abbreviated process of scientific research.
  • SRSI has provided 494 students with the opportunity to work in state-of-the-art laboratories under the guidance of world-renowned KAUST faculty while offering holistic activities that combine theory courses, hands-on research, and extracurricular events to encourage greater teamwork and leadership for the past 12 years
  • Students further develop confidence and interpersonal skills through a wide range of sporting, cultural, creative, and team-building activities. 
  • SRSI is the first science, technology engineering, and mathematics summer program for high school students in Saudi Arabia to combine both theoretical coursework and research.
  • KAUST faculty members volunteer to mentor students for the duration of the program offering them an opportunity to conduct research in distinct areas that have included Advanced Membranes and Porous Materials; Catalysis; Clean Combustion; Computational Bioscience; Desert Agriculture; Extreme Computing; Red Sea Research; Solar Engineering; Upstream Petroleum Engineering; Visual Computing and Water Desalination and Reuse.




SRSI hosts an exemplary group of talented high school students from through Saudi Arabia at KAUST for six academically simulating weeks each summer.

SRSI Goal:


  • SRSI aims to inspire the next generation of Saudis to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and math to benefit the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the future.  
  • This goal is accomplished by introducing talented young students to the transformative potential of these fields through intensive hands-on research and insight from distinguished practitioners from KAUST and around the world. 
  • The program helps students establish early and strong ties to KAUST and provides students with context and support for envisioning their future paths as leaders in these fields.  


Program Structure:


Leading up to and during the six-week intensive core research program, students participate in the following:  

  • Pre-SRSI Orientation.
  • Week 1: Induction.
  • Weeks 2 – 5: Research and Mentorship.
  • Week 6: Final Papers and Oral Presentations, Graduation.

Other Key Program Components:

In addition to research, SRSI scholars participate in a variety of enrichment activities such as:

  • Distinguished Speakers Series.
  • University Preparation and Professional Development Lecture Series.
  • Enrichment and Extracurricular Activities.

For more details about the program structure please click here