SRSI Application Process

Step 1 - Eligible students apply to the SRSI.

How do students apply to the SRSI?

Select partners of the SRSI nominate top-ranked high school juniors from throughout the Kingdom based on the criteria provided by the program. An application link is shared with these nominees.


Current nominating partners of the SRSI are:

  • Mawhiba (King Abdulaziz and his Companions Foundation for Giftedness and Creativity)
  • MiSK (Mohammed bin Salman Foundation)
  • Select National and International Schools within the Kingdom

Can students apply to the SRSI if they are not nominated by one of the above partner organizations?

Students not nominated by the above partners for the SRSI may apply to the program if they meet the eligibility requirements.

What are the eligibility requirements for students not nominated by a partner organization?

Eligibility Requirements for Independent Applicants

  • Saudi Arabian national
  • In Grade 11 
  • Grade 10 high school Grade Point Average minimum of 95/100 or equivalent
  • Meet one of the following English Language requirements
    • TOEFL iBT total score of 80
    • IELTS total score of 6.0
    • TOEIC total score of 780 (Please read Note below)
  • Meet the Standardized Testing requirement: Qodorat total score of 87 


  1. Students who submit a TOEIC score to get nominated to the SRSI, will be required to submit an IELTS or TOEFL iBT within four weeks of nomination.


  2. The above are the minimum requirements to qualify for applying to the program. Since selection to the SRSI is very competitive, successful students have reported much higher scores than minimum in the past. Many of them strengthened their application by reporting two standardized test scores. Submitting a high SAT score in addition to the Qudorat test score significantly increases the application's competitiveness.

When can Non-nominated students apply?

Applications to the SRSI open in October - November.

Non-nominated students who meet all eligibility requirements can apply at a link that will be provided during the application period. Please return to this page frequently for the updated application link.

Is there an application fee associated with the application?

A non-refundable fee of 200 SAR is required as part of the SRSI application.

What should students do if they have additional questions about admissions?

Students may contact the SRSI Team by emailing

Step 2 - Students complete an online application and an interview.

What are the SRSI application form requirements?

The application form, which opens via the online portal, includes biographical information, academic history, answers to essay-type questions about personal motivations, aspirations, research interests, and extracurricular experiences. Two letters of recommendation from high school teachers in mathematics or science are also required. 

For assistance, students can refer to the SRSI Application Guide, which is included in the application. For more information on required documents, see the list below.


Are all applicants and their parents required to attend an interview?

Yes, all applicants, as well as both parents, must attend an interview in-person/online with an interview panel from KAUST.  After submission and payment for the online application, applicants will be contacted by the SRSI staff regarding the scheduling of the interview.

        When are the application deadlines?


        The deadline is usually two weeks and will be announced at the opening of the application.

        Required Documents

        • Qodorat test score
        • English test score
        • SAT scores (if available)
        • High School Grade 9 and Grade 10 Transcripts
        • Certificates for all reported extracurricular activities
        • Guardians’ consent form
        • Copy of the national ID
        • Digital photo

        Step 3 - Students receive the SRSI decision.

        What qualities does the SRSI International Selection Committee look for in successful applicants?


        The ideal SRSI candidate has passion and potential for science and engineering. He or she is ambitious, motivated, open to new and diverse experiences, and eager to continue learning and growing amongst a rich intellectual community of young scholars and scientists.

        The SRSI International Selection Committee, which comprises KAUST faculty, academic administrators, and senior admissions representatives from four top U.S. Universities, meets to review the candidates' applications. 

        The Committee comprehensively reviews the entire applicant pool's qualifications, considering academic performance, application responses, letters of recommendation, personal interview, English proficiency, relevant test results, extracurricular activities, and overall fit for the SRSI. After a thorough deliberation, it recommends the new SRSI class. 


        How are students notified of application decisions?

        Successful applicants will receive an email notifying them of an update to their application status and instructing them to log in to the SRSI application portal to view the result.

        Step 4 - Students accept the SRSI offer and register for orientation.

        How do students accept their SRSI Offer?

        The acceptance letter will provide instructions for accepting the offer and returning the signed Confirmation of Enrollment form to the SRSI team.

        What else do students need to do at the time of offer acceptance?

        Upon accepting an SRSI offer, students and their parents will be asked to register to attend a mandatory Orientation. The Orientation is typically held online just before the beginning of the SRSI.

        Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ):

        Applying to the SRSI

        How can I apply to the SRSI Program?

        Please read through the above Application Process Guide for more information on how to apply. 

        Am I required to take the SAT exam if I want to apply to the SRSI?

        No, but high SAT scores significantly increase an applicant’s competitiveness.

        Is there a specific form or format for recommendation letters?

        Yes. Instructors must submit recommendation letters online via the SRSI application website. Recommendation letters must be written in English.

        What type of answers do you require for the essay-type questions of your application?

        Your answers to the essay-type questions in various sections of the SRSI application form will help the SRSI International Selection Committee to know you as a person, to understand your motivations, strengths and abilities, and to assess your suitability for the program. Using a clear and organized writing style, we therefore invite you to include your personal experiences and relevant details in the responses whenever possible. A Hints and Guidelines Document is also included in the application to help you prepare your answers.

        I am in an American Diploma/Non-Saudi-based program, is Qodorat required for me?
