Dr. Venu Kas

Academic Development Specialist

Dr. Venu Kas has been part of the SRSI team since 2013. He works closely with management, serving in various capacities, including Counselor Supervisor and Tutor. As Academic Lead 2018, he provides academic support for the program and tutors and oversees the progress of all SRSI students. Dr. Kas earned his Master’s Degree in Biotechnology from the Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, India, and his Doctoral Degree in Biochemistry from North Dakota State University, USA. His scientific background is in biochemistry, nanotechnology & molecular biology. He comes from the United States where he has taught in academia and worked in the pharmaceutical industry and at a cancer research institute. He began his career as a scientist in Glaxo Smithkline Pharmaceuticals and moved on to pursue cancer research at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York. His research enabled the development of novel nanodevices for improved cancer imaging and radiation therapy. Most importantly, he enjoys teaching science and is passionate about talent development.